In Calgary, our winters can be longer than most provinces, when we start to plan for spring break and summer holidays we often think of where we will travel to and how we will get there.

Road trips are a popular way for families to travel, see the sites and spend quality time together. On the other hand, travelling in a car with family can be stressful and sometimes cause problems with all family members on board as well as the question “are we there yet?”

When you’re travelling in your vehicle it is always important to remember to check with your insurance broker about specific insurance to cover all passengers, ensure all the contents in the vehicle are insurance which would fall on your home insurance policy, and also to ask your insurance brokers about travel insurance and what is covered.

There are things that will make your family road trip more bearable and pleasant. Always remember these rules and you’ll be sure to not have a hectic road trip.

1. Make sure you charge all electronic devices– with this day and age, keeping the kids busy requires technology and making sure the kids are entertained is critical to a happy road trip. Another great reason is, if for some reason you were to get in an accident or have car troubles and needed to contact someone for assistance, your fully charged cell phones would come in handy to make any necessary calls to authorities.

2. Apps! Take advantage of technology and download those awesome apps to help you navigate your way through all the great places to visit, leaving Calgary check for traffic delays and weather reports.

3. Pack Snacks for everyone: When travelling in a vehicle for long periods of time, and with long stretches before any stop, towns or places to pick up food its a great idea to pack water and food to make sure everyone isn’t thirsty and hungry. If you were to be delayed in your travels, its also a good reason to make sure your well prepared for any delays.

4. Pack a Safety Pack. Its always a great idea to pack a safety pack or some people call it an emergency pack. Either way, packing some necessities for while you’re on the road and being prepared if you road into any delays is always a good idea. Things to pack extra are, blankets, extra clothing, flashlight, extra water, rechargeable batteries, candles, matches and extra snacks.

5. Music and Videos: In order to make all passengers put a smile on their face, it’s always a great idea to pre-download a great selection of various music and videos to keep the kids (and adults) entertained.

Its always great taking the family on a road trip, planning and packing the right things will either make or break your travel plans. Make sure you pack all the right items in the vehicle and don’t forget to speak to your insurance brokers about your travel plans to make sure you and your family are covered properly.